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Laptops for Learning

Furze Platt Senior School is pleased to announce we are continuing with the 'Laptops for Learning' initiative, first launched in September 2022.

Laptops for Learning enables all parents and carers the opportunity to obtain a laptop for their child to support learning both at home and in school. These devices will enable students to access a rich variety of additional learning tools and strategies. This will help students with their studies, as well as prepare them for their future working lives where using such devices are the norm in a wide variety of careers.

If you have any queries please email

The scheme was launched following 18 months of research led by our IT Team, Governors and teachers, including work with several schools who have similar schemes. This research and our own experience since the launch have shown introducing a laptop scheme can have a number of benefits including: 

  • Promoting greater engagement in learning.
  • Enabling teachers to use a wider variety of learning techniques (particularly visual).
  • Improving students’ organisation.
  • Helping students access up-to-date electronic textbooks and support materials within and beyond school.
  • Helping further differentiate students’ learning experiences.
  • Enhancing collaboration between students and teachers.
  • Improving how teachers can feedback to students.
  • Enabling students to draft and redraft to improve and develop skills and work.  
  • Students being able to access subject specific applications (e.g. in MFL, Art and Science).
  • Promoting independent study.
  • Introducing new learning opportunities including different ways of writing and further improving literacy.
  • Ensuring all students have a more equitable access to IT.

While we have identified the benefits of laptops for students, it is important to emphasise that we see their value as an additional powerful learning tool. They will work alongside more traditional means of learning, not least while students still will sit GCSE paper-based and written examinations.

Benefits of obtaining a device through the Laptops for Learning scheme include:

  • Laptop which has been specially designed to withstand daily use by students yet is still lightweight and has a battery life capable of lasting throughout the school day.
  • 12-month warranty, with no postage necessary as the pickup/return can happen at school.
  • Insurance covering accidental damage and theft for up to 3 years (depending on payment plan). See FAQs for more details.
  • Specially negotiated price means the school package will be much cheaper than buying the equivalent on the high street or online
  • Flexible payment options allow you to spread the cost over several years, without a credit check.

Please refer to the 2024-25 brochure below which contains further information and pricing.


Payment options

Please refer to the brochure for details of the laptops and prices currently available on the scheme. Payment can be made in a one-off payment or spread over 12, 24 or 36 months (see FAQs for more details). The exact price will vary slightly year-to-year, as the school will always try to get the best possible price at the time.


Ordering a laptop

To order a laptop and set up a payment plan, please click on the link below.



How do we pay for the laptop? 

Payment will be taken by Direct Debit, either as a one-off payment or in instalments (see below for more details about the instalment options). one-off payments will be taken in July, while those paying in instalments will make the first payment in September. 

Can we spread the payments?

Payment can be made in a one-off payment or spread over 12, 24 or 36 months (note, the overall cost will be higher if paying in instalments). Payment must be completed before the child leaves the school, so to avoid any balloon payments at the end students in older year groups will not have all the instalment options available. For example, students in Year 10 will have the option of a one-off payment, 12-month or 24-month instalments. You will not own the laptop until the final payment has been made.

I don’t have a good credit score. Will I still be able to get a laptop? 

A credit check will not be carried out, so your credit score will be unaffected and you can obtain a laptop regardless of your credit rating.

What happens if we can’t afford the payments?

Financial support may be available for those families who need it. Please contact the school by email to for more information.

What happens if my circumstances change and I can no longer make the payments?

Financial support may be available for those families who need it. Please contact the school by email to for more information.

What happens when my child leaves the school? 

Payment must be completed before the child leaves the school, so to avoid any balloon payments at the end students in older year groups will not have all the instalment options available. If your child leaves before you have finished paying for the laptop, you will have the choice of making a one-off payment to clear the balance or returning the laptop to the school. You will not own the laptop until the final payment has been made.

Do I have to obtain a laptop through the school? 

The expectation is for all students in participating year groups to have a laptop available during lessons. The school has negotiated bulk discounts on laptops for those students who don’t already have one, however we recognise some students may already own a suitable laptop. Students will be able to bring in any laptop so long as it meets the minimum specification. Parents are advised to check the terms of their home insurance policy to see if it covers the laptop at school, and to consider additional insurance if not.

What is the minimum specification for a laptop? 

Students may wish to use their own current laptop in school, and we are happy to accommodate this. In order that students can use these devices in school, they will need to meet or exceed the specification below.

  • Windows: 1.2GHz processor, 4GB RAM memory, 64GB storage, 11” screen, Windows 10 or higher, 3 hours battery runtime
  • Chromebook: 1.2GHz processor, 4GB RAM, 64GB storage, 3 hours battery runtime. The Chromebook must be a version which is still receiving auto-updates from Google, typically less than 5 years old
  • Apple: iOS 15 (Monterey) or later, 3 hours battery runtime.
  • We encourage all students to get a protective case for their laptop.

Do I have to buy a protective case? 

The laptop bundle offered by the school includes a case, however you may wish to buy a different one. Laptops bought through the school must be kept in a protective case when not in use, otherwise the insurance will be invalid. A list of approved case manufacturers can be found here. We encourage all students to get a protective case for their laptop.

Will we have to buy additional software for the laptops?  

The school will provide access to the software and applications necessary to support your child’s learning at no additional cost. Further information is available on FP Cloud (your child will need to sign in to view this information).

What technical support is available? 

The school’s IT Support Department will be able to assist with any issues connecting to the school Wi-Fi, accessing school systems and installing the optional school software. They will also be able to troubleshoot issues, as well as provide advice and guidance on day-to-day computer use and safer Internet use.  The school’s IT Support Department will offer “best endeavours support” for Laptops for Learning devices but cannot guarantee to be able to resolve issues relating to home printers or networks, or software installation/configuration changes which the students make. The school’s IT Support Department will not be available for any technical support other than Wi-Fi connectivity for laptops bought outside the scheme.

How should students store and carry their laptops? 

Please refer to this link for guidance on how to look after your laptop and reduce the risk of damage. We particularly draw your attention to the importance of keeping the laptop in a protective case, and away from water bottles. Please note failure to follow this guidance may result in the insurance being invalid. A list of approved case manufacturers can be found here. 

What happens if the laptop is damaged or stolen?

The school will have spare laptops available which could be borrowed while yours is being repaired or replaced. Students will be encouraged to save their work in the school OneDrive account, so it would still be available while the original laptop is being repaired/replaced.

How do I make an insurance or warranty claim?

Laptops bought in the 2024/25 scheme:

You can request a repair via MendIT’s website. Please go to and complete the contact form at the bottom of the page. If possible, please provide the laptop’s serial number (contact the school if you do not know this). There is a £24 excess on insurance claims for laptops bought in 2024. There is a limit of 2 insurance claims (totalling no more than the value of the laptop) in a 12-month period, the warranty is unlimited.


Laptops bought in the 2022/23 or 2023/34 scheme:

You can submit an insurance claim via Compucover’s online claims portal. Please go to and enter the laptop’s serial number (contact the school if you do not know this) and date of the incident, noting claims need to be made within 14 days of the incident. There is no excess on insurance claims for laptops bought in 2022 or 2023. There is a limit of 2 insurance claims (totalling no more than the value of the laptop) in a 12-month period, the warranty is unlimited.

Who do I contact with queries about the one-to-one laptop scheme?

For other information, please email and a member of FPSS staff will either assist you or direct you to the correct company, depending on your request.

Can I support other students who are unable to afford the payments?

If you would like to support a child from a family in financial hardship, please email for more information on how you can donate to the school’s Achieve Fund