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Consequences and Bullying


It is our expectation that students will be motivated by the enjoyment of learning rather than rewards and punishment. However, if there are occasions when students do not follow the school rules and adhere to the standards of behaviour that we expect, students can expect for there to be consequences for their actions.  The aim of these consequences will be to restore and rebuild relationships damaged by their actions.

Students can be detained for up to 2 hours at the end of the school day. For more serious breaches of school discipline, your child’s Head of Progress may contact you. We hope to avoid any escalation of consequences by working in partnership with staff, students and parents.


The definition of bullying at Furze Platt Senior School is that it is repeated behaviour which makes other people feel uncomfortable, whether this is intended or not. People react differently, and it is not always possible to tell if a child is hurt or upset, but possible signs of being bullied include changes in behaviour, such as becoming shy and nervous, feigning illness, or clinging to adults.

There are different sorts of bullying, but the three main types are:

Verbal - name calling, teasing, insulting, writing unkind notes

Emotional - being unfriendly, excluding, tormenting, spreading rumours and nasty looks

Physical - hitting, kicking, taking or hiding belongings including money

 Instances of bullying are in direct contravention of the school Anti-Bullying Policy, which has been devised by the students and requires consideration for others.

The Headteacher, staff and governors of Furze Platt Senior School believe that every student has the right to come to school knowing that they will not be threatened, harmed or humiliated by others. Any students failing to respect this basic right can expect to be punished.

In recent years, there has been an increase in cyber bullying nationally. This includes sending unkind or threatening messages, either through messaging services or on social network sites. We work closely with parents if this occurs and equally, we do not tolerate such behaviour. In certain circumstances, the police may be involved. We remind parents that there is a minimum age of 13 to use most social media and messaging sites.

If you think that your child is being bullied, please let the school know straight away. You should also reassure your child that the school will deal with it sensitively but firmly. Every effort will be made to resolve the situation through counselling both the student being bullied and the bully.

If we have reason to believe that your child is bullying other students, we will contact you in order to discuss how the situation can be improved and what support can be provided to precent this occurring again and to allow the individual to repair the damage they have caused. Please make it clear to your son or daughter that his/her behaviour is not acceptable and has caused distress. If counselling does not work and the bullying behaviour continues, then sanctions follow, which may vary according to the individual and the incident.

In the most serious cases, the possibility of permanent exclusion from Furze Platt Senior School must be considered by the Headteacher.