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What Students Need to Bring to School / Lockers

General Equipment List

Students are responsible for bringing the correct equipment to school each day, in a sensibly-sized bag to keep their books and equipment in.

This includes:

  • Appropriate exercise books for the day’s lessons
  • Writing equipment in a named pencil case (blue or black pens and pencils, ruler, eraser and colouring pencils)
  • Scientific calculator 
  • Maths equipment (compass, protractor)
  • Appropriate PE kit
  • Fully charged laptop and charger
  • Other subjects may also issue specialist equipment lists

Your child may at first find it difficult to remember the correct books and equipment each day. It is a great help if you could help younger students pack their bag the night before or check they have what they need for the following day.



Students are able to hire a locker to leave equipment in at school.  Details will be sent out at the beginning of term.

Lockers are held exclusively for Year 7 students during the first week of term in September, after which they are made available to the rest of the school population. They cost £5 to hire for a year. Students must provide padlocks – these need to be sturdy. It should also be noted that the mechanism on some of our lockers does not secure properly with smaller padlocks – the diameter of the padlock bolt should be between 4-6mm. It is strongly recommended that anyone wanting a locker takes up that option in the first week as the chances of securing one if left later are low.