The Drama Department works alongside the Dance and Music Departments as a Performing Arts Faculty. The Drama Department at Furze Platt aims to provide an exciting, dynamic experience of drama for students. We aim to inspire passionate involvement in all aspects of theatre and performance, both through the curriculum and extra-curricular activities. Drama is valued very highly at Furze Platt; our very good results at GCSE and A-Level and high quality productions have earned the department an excellent reputation.
Accommodation, Resources and Facilities
The Department is housed in a purpose built block including two well-equipped drama studios, a control room with high quality lighting and sound equipment, an office and costume/props storage. We also have the new Theatre built in 2021 with state of the art facilities and equipment.
Extra-curricular Provision: Students can access a variety of extra-curricular drama opportunities which include a lower school drama club (which has performed plays such as The Last Laugh, A Night at the Musicals, An Evening of Midsummer Dreaming, a technical theatre club, an improvisation club for Year 9, frequent theatre trips (we aim to visit the theatre at least once a term), visiting artists, work with local primary schools and a large scale highly successful annual productions (these include performances of Matilda, The Addams Family, His Dark Materials, Seussical, Our House, Into the Woods and Little Shop of Horrors. Our production for 2023 is Sister Act with over 80 students involved in the production either as performers, musicians or designers.
Key Stage Three: At KS3, students are encouraged to appreciate drama as an art form. They explore a variety of themes through different theatre techniques focusing on creating, performing and responding to drama. Through topics ranging from Commedia dell’Arte to Bertolt Brecht, Physical Theatre to realising a play such as ‘Noughts and Crosses’, students develop into critical spectators as well as performers, designers and technicians.
Key Stage Four: At Furze Platt we follow the AQA GCSE Drama specification and focus mainly on acting, although we have had a number of students assessed in the design and technical elements. We study Blood Brothers as the set text.
Sixth Form: We offer AQA A-Level Drama and Theatre. We currently study Hedda Gabler by Ibsen and Yerma by Lorca as the set text. Many students have gone on to study drama and theatre at university.