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Registration Day for Sixth Form: Thursday 22nd August

Dear Year 11 Students, Parents and Carers,

Students with a Conditional Offer:

Please read a copy of the attached letter (click here to read or see attachment at the bottom of this page) regarding instructions for students holding a conditional offer for Furze Platt Sixth Form for entry in September 2024. 

Please make sure you know your username and password in advance of registration day as you may need to login to the Admissions+ platform which can be accessed here: 


Students without a Conditional Offer:

All late on the day applicants without a conditional offer from Furze Platt must come directly to the English block at 2.30pm.  They must make sure they have a printed copy of their GCSE results. Please note that as our entry criteria is based on GCSE/iGCSE  we require a statement of comparability in support of academic results where GCSEs have not been taken (see here for further information to accompany the application.

We cannot guarantee that we will be able to offer late applicants a place in our Sixth Form, or a place on oversubscribed courses.  Late applicants should be aware that there may be a wait before a member of the Sixth Form team is able to discuss late applications.


Wishing you all a lovely summer holiday and looking forward to seeing you in August.

Mr P Ging, Head of Sixth Form