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  • 13/07/24

    Exam Results Days Information for Year 11 and Year 13

    RESULTS DAYS 2024 These will take place on the following days/times:   YEAR 13 - Thursday 15th August 2024 (GCE/Cambridge Technicals/BTEC Nationals/Applied) School will be open for students to collect their results from 8am in the Theatre. From 11am-12:30pm results...
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  • 12/07/24

    Registration Day for Sixth Form: Thursday 22nd August

    Dear Year 11 Students, Parents and Carers, Students with a Conditional Offer: Please read a copy of the attached letter (click here to read or see attachment at the bottom of this page) regarding instructions for students holding a conditional offer for Furze Platt Sixth Form for entry in...
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  • 12/07/24

    Duke of Edinburgh Bronze and Silver Awards

      Over 130 Furze Platt students from Years 9 and 10 completed their expedition challenges recently to achieve their Duke of Edinburgh Bronze and Silver Awards.
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  • 12/07/24

    Update from the PTFA

    Congratulations to our three lucky winners of £200 each in our latest 200 Club Draw! Thank you to everybody who came to our Second Hand Uniform Sale, and very special thanks to all our wonderful helpers before, during and after the sale. WE RAISED £3323! The final total raised w...
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  • 08/07/24

    Sports Day

    Excited for the battle of the four Houses today! 
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  • 24/05/23

    Music lessons at Furze Platt

      Here at Furze Platt Senior School, we are lucky enough to have a number of music providers for our students to learn singing, instrument and playing either solo or as part of a group. Please visit to sign up.
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  • 05/05/23

    Year 6-7: Information Evening Presentation and Teambuilding Days

      It was lovely to meet so many parents and carers at the transition evening for our upcoming Year 7 students.  
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  • 28/04/23

    Ski Trip 2024

    Dear Parents / Carers, The 2024 ski trip to Andorra is open and spaces are filling up quickly. If you would like to secure a space for your son or daughter of 5 days of high quality, instructor led skiing or snowboarding, along with evenings packed full of activities, please complete the onl...
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  • 24/03/23

    Furze Platt: 60 Years of Excellence, April 1963 - 2023

      On 23rd April 2023, Furze Platt Senior School will celebrate 60 years! Should you be an ex-student, teacher, governor or friend of the school and wish to share memories or ideas for celebrations, please do so via the link below:   Please share your memories here Furze Pla...
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  • 14/12/22

    School Clubs and Extra Curricular Activities

    You can see a list of our clubs for this term here; parents and carers of students in all year groups were sent the list of new clubs on the last day of term.
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  • 20/01/20


    Over 50 Years of Excellence 1963 to the present day If you are an ex-student, a past member of staff, someone who has had children at the school, an ex-governor or a friend of the school then please join us here.  We will keep you up to date with school news via our Al...
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