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Dear Parent / Carer,
This page details the actions and plans Furze Platt Senior School have taken and are taking in relation to Covid-19, along with letters to parents and further information on the measures in place.
Please click on the links below for more information:
1. NHS Test & Trace self-report website:
2. Furze Platt's link for reporting test results:
All our students will have been sent home with Home Test Kits. The request is that students test regularly twice weekly at home.
Please ensure that you have completed the testing consent form:
Testing for Your Household Bubble
We understand that households with a student in school can either attend a test site and be tested or collect kits for home testing other members of the family. Please follow this link for more information including where to find your local test site or where to collect kits:
Government guidance on face coverings remains unchanged (and will next be reviewed for 17 May). Please can you ensure your child is equipped with a face covering for school (as you would if they were going to the shops) as these are to be worn whilst moving around the school site. If there is a medical reason why a face covering cannot be worn please inform your child’s Head of House or Pastoral Manager.
Covid Secure Measures
In order to keep FPSS as safe as possible we have implemented all the Covid measures students will be familiar with from the Autumn Term like hand sanitising in/out of classrooms, cleaning down desks and equipment at the end of each lesson, ventilating classrooms, allocating Year group toilets and lunch areas.
When in school, as per the government advice our aim will be to keep students in year group bubbles. Our Sixth Form will be one bubble.
Sixth Form and Main School Open Evening Events
Given the Covid limitations we are not able to hold our normal Open Evenings this year and show FPSS as we would like. Instead we have a variety of opportunities for prospective parents, carers and students to see the school including a virtual Headteacher talk, 3D map, prospectus and tours for small family groups. Our existing parents and carers are often the best advocates for the school, so please do share these resources with friends and neighbours who may be considering secondary or Sixth Form choices for their children this year.
Click here for our Main School Virtual Open Evening
Click here for our Sixth Form Virtual Open Evening
Resources for students in KS3 who are individually self isolating
Please see the link below to find a range of resources:
Timetables and Equipment
Students' timetables are available on Go 4 Schools. They have a full timetable and lessons for all subjects. Students should not be sharing equipment, please make sure that they have all they need for school. Specialist equipment used in school (e.g. in Technology, Science or PE) will be treated as per the guidelines to prevent the spread of coronavirus; they will also need to bring their PE kits on days they have those lessons.
Travelling to and from FPSS
We are lucky in that the vast majority of our students walk and cycle to school. Students should follow the social distancing rules on the way to and from school, respecting others that they pass on their journey. For those coming via public transport masks will need to be worn. If students are being driven to school, please can parents and carers stay in the car as they drop off. Sixth Formers are able to drive to school as normal. There are some students who get to site quite early in the morning. Please can I ask that your children do not arrive too early as this may lead to bubbles being mixed. If students could arrive no more than 15 minutes prior to their start time this would be appreciated.
Bubble Areas and One Way System
Year Group Bubbles will occupy specific areas during breaktimes. These are detailed on the attached map. Students should not leave these areas. The map also shows one-way systems to minimise contact between Bubbles as students move around site. You will see that we have erected marquees around site to provide covered space for breaks.
FPSS Colour Map - One Way System (During the Day) - PDF Version
FPSS Colour Map - One Way System (End of the Day) - PDF Version
Food and Drink / Breaks and Toilets
Our cafe facilities are open as usual. In the warm weather, all students are advised to bring a full water bottle to school each day. Year group bubbles will have their own areas of school and the field for break times. They will need to stay in these zones. These areas will include toilets dedicated to a particular year group.
FPSS Colour Map - One Way System (During the Day) - PDF Version
Students should expect different styles of lessons to which they have been used to. The guidance says students should be sat facing the front with no social distancing required between students. Students will be expected to hand sanitise as they enter and leave the classrooms. They will need to listen to their teachers to learn the expected routines on entering, exiting and moving around each room.
FPSS Staff
In order to run a full curriculum and timetable, as well as provide pastoral, medical and other services, our staff will move between bubbles as per the guidance. It is important that staff keep two metres from students and students keep two metres from staff. While there are times when this will be difficult please can we ensure that students understand their responsibility. There may be a few staff exceptions to this rule. For example, some Learning Support Assistants, who look after specific students, may be part of the Year Group Bubbles.
Enhanced Cleaning
We will have a team of cleaners ensuring that communal areas and toilets are cleaned regularly. However, we will have over 1500 students and staff on-site each day and so it is important that we all take responsibility for our own hygiene.
Washing Hands
We are now all very familiar with the need to wash our hands regularly. This is again emphasised in the new guidance. We will have sinks, soap and hand sanitiser around site. Please encourage students to maintain high hygiene standards.
Catch it, kill it, bin it
Likewise, we are all familiar with the ‘Catch it, kill it, bin it’ slogan. Please encourage students to follow this guidance.
Students Exhibiting Symptoms
If students have symptoms, do not send them to school but please keep them at home and seek NHS advice. Should a student exhibit symptoms in school they will be isolated and parents and carers will be asked to collect their child.
Potential Positive Covid Cases
We would follow the government guidance and Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead’s advised actions. If one student or staff member tested positive, we would use the government’s Test and Trace process. Should we have more than one positive case this is classed as an ‘outbreak’ and we would be advised by RBWM and Public Health as to the next steps, in all likelihood isolating specific groups of students and staff.
While the government scientists believe that asymptomatic testing will identify positive cases earlier and reduce the number of isolations we saw in the autumn, when we are informed of a positive case we need to follow the same procedure as we have previously. This means we identify the close contacts of the positive individual and ask them to self-isolate for 10 days.
This makes it important that students get tested at school. Likewise, if your child has symptoms please keep them at home and get an NHS Test. Please be vigilant and support our community to minimise the need for isolations.
Mandatory Attendance
The government have made attendance mandatory for all students, apart from those who are Clinically Extremely Vulnerable (students in this group will have received letters). If this is your child, please notify our attendance team Students are expected to attend all their lessons. Registers will be taken with parents and carers contacted if students do not attend. Should students be poorly please contact our Attendance Officers on the above email address. Please also continue to use this address to inform us should your child test positive for coronavirus.
Educational Provision in the case of a Local Lockdown
As we have seen, there remains the potential for a school or local area lockdown.
Please click here to see our Remote Learning Information.
This information is intended to provide clarity and transparency to pupils and parents or carers about what to expect from remote education where national or local restrictions require entire cohorts (or bubbles) to remain at home.
IT Issues
If students are struggling due to IT issues please do contact our IT team at If possible, please contact us from the school email address and include your child’s full name and year group.
Sixth Form
Our Sixth Form will have places to work independently around site when they are not in lessons. We will also be looking to run individual or small group slots with Sixth Form Tutors in order to support students, not least with their UCAS applications.
Extra-Curricular Programme
We will be offering catch-up programmes rather than our normal wealth of extra-curricular activities. As term progresses we will look to begin our extra-curricular clubs depending on advice at that time. This would initially have to be year group based while the bubbles stay in place.
Trips, Visits and Events
We are keen to re-launch visits once the government guidance allows residential trips; we have started planning day trips. There remains uncertainty over future events. We ask parents and carers to be patient, look out for communications from Furze Platt Senior School and we will endeavour to inform you once timelines are clearer.
Please use ParentMail to top up accounts if your child has school lunches. We also have a card reader in reception should you need to purchase ties.
Counselling and Support Services
None of us has experienced anything like Covid-19. As a result, we are all going to have moments when we may need support. Please see the attachment below for a list of Counselling and Support Services.
In the meantime, we want to wish you and your family all the best at this time. We hope you stay safe and well.
Dr Andrew Morrison
Headteacher (BA Hons, PGCE, MA, PhD)
Thank you - your messages are appreciated
These are just some of the supportive and kind messages we have received from you. We read every single one!
“I just want to pass on my thanks to the staff following the recent parents evening which was our first one with the school (Year 7 didn't happen for obvious reasons). I found all of the staff were hugely positive and encouraging to our son which I obviously hope will provide a boost to his morale and help him working hard for the rest of the school year and beyond.”
“I wanted to write to express my thanks to you, your teachers and your staff for all the hard work you have done for the past year to ensure our children continue to be educated despite the strange and trying circumstances we find ourselves in. My son, whilst not always motivated, has been encouraged by his teachers who have also been in touch with us when he hasn’t handed work in. This additional aspect shows a caring group of teachers. It can be easier to criticise than praise but I felt it was appropriate to communicate with you and say Thank You!”
“I apologise for not writing before, but I just wanted to thank you and all the staff at Furze Platt for all the hard work they are doing supporting my [children]. As a teacher myself, I know how tirelessly you are all working to give the pupils the best opportunities in this really challenging situation. The change to a full timetable of online lessons has been really helpful and given them much more of a normal structure to the day, which helps to keep them on track with their work. The introduction of the 10 minute breaks between lessons and the longer lunch time has also been a welcome and very sensible introduction. Personally, I have enjoyed getting glimpses of the fantastic lessons [being delivered]. [My child] has felt well supported and engaged throughout due to the great lessons from all her A level teachers. I wish you luck with the return to school . My children are very pleased to be returning in just over a week. Please pass on to teachers of all our children, how appreciative we are of all their hard work and dedication.”
“I would like to thank the Furze Platt staff for all the help they have given to [my son] since the start of term. It has made an enormous difference to him being able to come into school on a daily basis. He finds home schooling incredibly challenging. He has thoroughly enjoyed learning in a very small group and has even managed to work independently. This has boosted his confidence which has led to him wanting to be independent in other areas of his life. We are so proud and pleased with this progress. Thank you very much.”
“I just wanted to say a massive thank you to all staff for a great parents evening last night. We found it actually even better than the in person version as it was easier to concentrate!”
“Thank you and keep up the amazing work. All the staff at FPSS are doing a fantastic job, I can't imagine what it must be like teaching to a blank screen of teenagers all on mute!”
“I just wanted to feedback that both [my sons] have found the new timetable much better ... Aside from them having to drag themselves out of bed earlier, they both have said the days go quicker, they prefer the lessons to be in smaller chunks to concentrate with the transition time in between and being able to finish earlier. It has made interacting as a family over lunch easier and they've even managed to get out on a walk (all be it a short one!) during their lunch hour 3 times this week.”
“Very proud of {my daughter] not only did she get fab feedback in Biology she’s now had a lovely email from her History teacher – it’s so nice to get this feedback as she’s working so incredibly hard at home and [this] gives her a nice little boost.”
“We just wanted to pass on our thanks for the great remote learning provision you are providing our child… but also for carrying on adding behaviour points to the Go4Parents system. [Our child] loves checking it at the end of each day and finds it really motivating. We are keen to reward good behaviour and engagement in remote learning as it's so hard for them all at the moment. He is still only 11 and having to do it all independently as we both work.”
“I also want to say a massive thank you to you and all the other teachers … You are all just amazing and the school in general with how it’s dealt with all of this from the lessons to the perfect communication from the school. I have a lot of friends with kids at other schools and FP is 100% leading the way…”
“Just wanted to say a big thank you to all of the staff at Furze Platt. You are doing a wonderful job and my son is very engaged in his learning. Even though I’m not able to help him all of the time he is accessing everything well. Teachers also respond to emails efficiently and it’s much appreciated. From a much less stressed working mother.”
“We just wanted to pass on our thanks and appreciation for the fantastic remote learning Furze Platt is providing. [My Partner] and I are out at work and were worried about how [son] would get on independently but it all seems so well organised that he is able to navigate it successfully. Thank you to the team there for all the effort put in to make this happen-we’re sure it isn’t easy.”
"I have been genuinely astounded by the quality of the work given to [my son] through the first lockdown to keep his learning alive and even more so this time around with splendid live lessons. I listen in from time to time when work allows and I think every single teacher is going above and beyond to keep the children focused.”