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Times of the School Day

Timetable Structure

 Five lessons a day

The school day begins at 8:40am with registration in tutor groups at 8:45am. This is followed by assembly or tutorial work until 9:15am. There are 5 lessons a day. Each lesson is an hour long.

Two-week timetable

Lessons at Furze Platt Senior School are timetabled on a fortnightly basis; students must remember whether it is Week 1 or Week 2 (this is clearly indicated in their homework planners, in our school newsletters and on our website) and organise themselves and their equipment accordingly.

Timetables run for 50 periods over ten days, this is done so that we can allocate time and resources more effectively. Year 7 students are given a personal timetable telling them which subject and teacher they have in which room for each of the 50 lessons.

Subjects in Year 7

In Year 7 all students study the same subjects.

These are:






Philosophy & Religion


Art Design Technology and Food Technology

Performing Arts – Drama, Music & Dance

Physical Education

Computing & ICT


Total lessons per fortnight: 50

For more information about the curriculum followed in each subject please click here.

Nine classes

In order to ensure that they always get specialist teachers whichever subject they are studying, Year 7 students are split into three parallel bands, F,P & S, for all their subjects. (To identify if your child is in F, P or S band please look at their timetable either in their planner or on Class Charts. You will notice underneath the subject and teacher name is a code, ie 7F/En3. This indicates the student is in Year 7, Band F.)

For most subjects there are nine classes, giving a very good student-teacher ratio. In Product Design and Food Technology there are fifteen classes.

Three-year Key Stage 3 and two-year Key Stage 4

Furze Platt students follow a broad and balanced curriculum in Years 7, 8 & 9 (‘Key Stage 3’). They make their GCSE choices towards the end of Year 9 and begin their GCSE courses in Year 10. They take their GCSE examinations in Year 11 (at the end of ‘Key Stage 4’).

The School Day

Monday – Friday

08:40 – 08:45 KS3 students go to morning line up and KS4 and 5 go their tutor rooms

08:45 – 09:15 Assembly/Tutor Time

09:15 – 10:15 Period 1

10:15 – 11:15 Period 2

11:15 – 11:45 Break 1

11:45 – 12:45 Period 3

12:45 – 13:45 Period 4

13:45 – 14:15 Break 2

14:15 – 15:15 Period 5

Lateness to registration and lessons is recorded electronically, and is taken seriously.  It is recommended students are on the school site by 8.30am each day.  Parents may receive alerts via ParentMail if their child is repeatedly late.