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SEND Local Offer/School SEN Information Report

Information regarding support for Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) at Furze Platt Senior School.

SENCOs: Mrs D Jack and Mrs C Cook


Furze Platt Senior School has experience of supporting students with the following range of Special Educational Needs and Disabilities:

Communication and interaction

  • Speech, Language and Communication Needs (SLCN)
  • Autistic spectrum disorder (ASD)

Cognition and learning

  • Moderate Learning difficulties (MLD)
  • Specific learning difficulties (SpLD e.g. dyslexia)

Social, emotional and mental health

  • Anxiety, depression, self-harming, eating disorders, attachment disorder (e.g. CAMHS involvement)
  • Attention deficit hyper activity disorder (ADHD)

Sensory and/or physical needs

  • Visual impairment (VI)
  • Hearing impairment (HI)
  • Physical disability (PD)
  • Medical (M)

Identifying needs

When students transfer to Furze Platt Senior School, we work very closely with their primary (or previous) school to ensure that we have a full picture of their ability. If your son/daughter has an Education, Health & Care Plan (EHCP), our SENCo will visit their previous school. Other students who require support will be assessed when they join us. It is our policy that all students are educated in mainstream classrooms for as much of their curriculum as possible. We have an excellent team of Learning Support Assistants, and a highly successful reading intervention programme for those who struggle to access the curriculum.


The Shine ASD Resource Base supports five students in each year group as named on their EHCP. If you have any queries, about the Special Needs provision, please contact Mrs Stiles (Assistant Headteacher).

The range of support provided

Support for individual students will depend upon the complexity and severity of their individual needs and the resources at the school’s disposal.  Support strategies offered include:

  • Differentiated planning and support by the class teacher
  • In class support from a learning support assistant (LSA)
  • Small group withdrawal for literacy, spelling, maths, anxiety, social skills
  • Mentoring
  • Some SEND students at risk of exclusion have pastoral /behaviour support
  • Use of outside agencies including Educational Psychologists, the Sensory Consortium, the Specialist Inclusion Service, Counselling, Cognition and Learning, Speech and Language Therapy, the Ethnic Minority Achievement Service support a number of students throughout the school to enable these students to manage more easily within the mainstream.


A small number of students secure a place in our SHINE provision which provides support for young people whose primary diagnosis is ASD.  These students attend mainstream lessons and are provided with bespoke support to help them thrive.  Places are limited to five students per year group (from September 2024).


How is my child’s progress monitored?

If a child is on an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) their progress is assessed, planned, monitored and reviewed in the following ways:

  • Class teachers and Heads of Departments monitor the progress of pupils with SEND through formative and summative assessment, this is then discussed with a member of the Senior Leadership Team (SLT) to discuss targets to move pupils forward
  • Interventions are assessed regularly by the Learning Support Department and reported back to a member of SLT to discuss targets to move pupils forward.
  • The SENCo has regular meetings with members of SLT to discuss progress and concerns
  • Pupils who have an EHCP also have their provision and progress reviewed at the Annual Review
  • There is regular correspondence via phone and email with external agencies
  • Learning Support Assistant feedback on pupil progress in morning meeting


Parental Involvement

Furze Platt Senior School recognises and values the important relationship between the school and the parents of children with Special Educational Needs and Disability.  The effectiveness of any school-based action is enhanced by the involvement of parents.

Parents/Carers participation is encouraged in the following ways:

  • Their knowledge and views are utilised as fully as possible in assessing and meeting the needs of their child
  • Involvement in both long and short term planning (provision, targets)
  • Communication via letter, emails and phone
  • Advice and shared resources via the school newsletter.
  • Attendance at Parents’ Evenings
  • Informed via reports
  • Attendance at Transition and Annual Reviews

More detail on the school’s offer can be found in our Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) Local Offer and School SEN Information Report (link below).

Our school SEND policy is available to view via our policies webpage






Our SEN Information Report: