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Sixth Form Student Handbook

Sixth Form Administrator

Mrs J Wilson  

01628 625308 ext 604

Sixth Form Manager

Mrs M Pasa

01628 625308 ext 603




School Contact Information

  School Term Dates
  Map of Sixth Form
  Tutor Programme
  Attendance -  absence, lateness and appointments in school hours
  ID Badges
    > Pedestrian and Car Gate
    > School Gate Opening Times
    > Student Access Times
  Rules for Sixth Form Students Driving Cars to School
  Sixth Form Charter 
  Sixth Form Bursary
  Sixth Form IT Information and Resources
    > Computer Login
    > Online Resources
    > Printing
    > Library Catalogue
  Monitoring Progress
    Reports and Parents' Evening Information
    Parents' Evening Bookings
    Sixth Form Exam Information
    Exams FAQ
    Our Exams Policy
    > Support System
  Sixth Form Student Leadership
    > Sixth Form Council
    > Head Students and Deputy Head Students 
    > House Captains
  UCAS, Higher Education, Apprenticeships and Jobs
  Sixth Form Study Advice
    Sixth Form Study Guidelines
    Hints for studying Effectively
    Private Study
    Hints for Revising for Exams
    > Revision Tips
    > Pixl 6 Revision Resources

Map of Sixth Form

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Nine hours per fortnight are usually allocated to each A-Level and Applied subject. If re-sit classes clash with A-Level or Applied lessons, the latter have priority. Sixth Form are expected to use all of their study periods productively, by registering with a member of staff and attending the supervised and silent study periods allocated on their timetable. The exact amount of time will vary from student to student dependent on how many A-Levels or Applied subjects they are studying.

Every student will receive a printed copy of their timetable at the start of the academic year. In the case of a timetable becoming mislaid, lost or damaged, a new timetable is available upon request from Sixth Form Reception.

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Tutor Programme

The Sixth Form runs a tutor programme over the two-week timetable. Every Sixth Former will have:

  • A period of academic mentoring where they will have dedicated time with their tutor to discuss their progress, achievement and attendance. Tutors will meet with individual students on a rolling programme and each student will have at least one mentoring session each term
  • One Tutor Programme lesson per week, which may be geared towards future careers or destinations, study skills or wider personal development
  • One Sixth Form assembly per fortnight
  • One Sixth Form Challenge per fortnight

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Attendance - absence, lateness and appointments in school hours

Attendance to school is well documented as being the biggest factor in attainment and progress.  At Furze Platt, we focus students' attention to this regularly and work hard to maximise student time in school.

Year 12 students must remain on site for the duration of each school day. Students may only leave the school site during break 1 and 2.

Year 13 students have the privilege to sign in and out of school during independent study periods. However, if students do not make expected levels of progress, this privilege can be withdrawn.

If a student is going to be absent for part or all of the school day - for any reason - the parent/carer will need to use Class Charts to inform us of the absence prior to 8.45am.  This must be done on a daily basis until the student returns. For appointments during the school day, all students must sign out and sign back in on their return with Mrs Pasa.

For an absence of longer than four days or for medical/dental appointments, we may ask for medical proof, such as appointment texts or doctor's notes. 

Any Sixth Form student who becomes ill during the day should report to Mrs Pasa, Sixth Form Manager for assistance. In the case where a student needs to go home, Mrs Pasa will communicate with the person who is on the student's contact details to authorise the absence.

Where possible, students should email their subject teachers to request any work that will be missed and catch up as quickly as possible. "I was away" is no excuse for not being up-to-date with set work and class notes.

The content of A-Level and Applied courses is very high; it is important that you do not miss lessons. Do not take time off school unless it is essential. This includes family holidays during term time.

Any appointments resulting in a lesson being missed should be notified by a parent/carer in advance via Class Charts.  We would appreciate it if all such appointments should be made out of school time when possible. Any other requests for absence should be made via the request for absence form, which can be found here on our website:

It is expected that students achieve at least 96% attendance throughout the year. Attendance is calculated from 8.40am every day, so we would expect all Sixth Formers to be on site by 8.30am. Maintaining high attendance is essential for all students with attendance data quoted on references and passed on to universities, future employers and apprenticeship providers.

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Teachers and tutors are required to monitor both your attendance and punctuality. You are expected to be punctual at all times, lateness for no good reason is bad manners. 

If you are late for your lesson without due reason, then you may expect to be sent away with that lesson's work and with school sanctions being imposed. 

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ID Badges

Every Sixth Form student receives an ID badge at the start of their time with us. These badges are expected to be worn visibly on a lanyard at all times for the duration of your studies at Furze Platt Sixth Form and is a mandatory requirement. The standard gate access on the student ID cards will only open the pedestrian gates. Upgraded access to the car gate can be acquired if needed from Mrs Pasa. Full details on our rules for students wishing to drive and park on site can be found further down this page.  Students who do not have their badges in school can borrow a replacement for the day. Lost badges will need to be replaced at the cost of £5. 

Pedestrian Gate

Car Gate

                                                                                                                                           Back to the top - Contents 

Rules for Sixth Form Students Driving Cars to School

Driving lessons must not be arranged during school time. Students may however arrange a lesson immediately prior to a test. You should notify the Sixth Form Manager Mrs Pasa ( well in advance when you have a test during school time.

The following rules must be observed at all times:-

  1. Sixth Form students who wish to drive to and from school should apply for permission from the Sixth Form Manager. Driving permit forms are available from Mrs Pasa at Sixth Form reception. Permission is ultimately at the school’s discretion and should generally be sought only if other suitable forms of transport are unavailable. We encourage students to use public transport whenever possible and to walk to the school if they live nearby.
  2. Any student driving to school must possess a current full driving license. Students' parents/carers must confirm that the vehicle authorised for use, is fully taxed, fully insured against all risks, and has a current MOT certificate. The relevant documental evidence must be submitted to the Sixth Form Manager. Once this evidence is provided students will be able to have their personal ID badge upgraded to include vehicle gate access.
  3. Cars should be parked in the gravel car park near Humanities at all times. This is necessary to avoid congestion and parking problems and for pedestrian safety.
  4. Those students who are learning to drive should not drive on to the school site, even whilst under the supervision of an instructor.
  5. Sixth Form students are reminded of the importance of safe driving. The provisions of the highway code must be respected at all times, as must all legal and other provisions affecting drivers and passengers (including the use of mobile phones). No-one else’s car is to be manhandled or interfered with in any way. It is specifically forbidden for any Sixth Form student to drive another student’s vehicle.
  6. Year 12 students must not use their cars during the course of the school day. Cars must be used strictly as a means of transport to and from school. Year 13 students may leave site in their cars during free periods but may not leave site in their cars during break 1 or break 2 for safety reasons.
  7. Students may travel to an authorised activity with the permission of a member of staff and permission is subject to the provisions of rules 1 and 2 above. Before they travel to a school activity in another student’s car, the passenger must give a letter giving permission to do so from their parents, to the teacher in charge of that activity.
  8. The registration number of any car which may be driven to school must be notified to the Sixth Form Manager on the pro forma provided. Any subsequent changes in the registration details of a student’s car must be notified to the Head of Sixth Form in advance of it being driven to school.
  9. Eating in cars should be avoided, and car radios should never be left on at such a volume as to disturb others while cars are parked there. Any litter from parked cars should be deposited in the nearest rubbish bin.
  10. The speed limit on school grounds is 5 mph.

Any Sixth Form student who ignores and/or breaks the rules is liable to have permission to drive to school withdrawn.

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Sixth Form Charter

FPSS Sixth Form Student Charter.

 Under this agreement, the Sixth Form will endeavour to provide students with:

  • A curriculum of courses that is delivered by suitably qualified and effective members of staff using appropriate facilities and resources.
  • A friendly, caring and supportive environment.
  • A tutor who monitors your progress and provides guidance and assistance in setting targets for improvement.
  • Careers guidance suited to your needs with access to expert careers advice.
  • The opportunity to take part in leisure and extra-curricular activities.
  • Leadership opportunities to develop and enhance your transferrable skills, benefiting you throughout and beyond sixth form.
  • Regular opportunities to enrich your extra-curricular experience, which may involve visiting speakers, academic lectures and off-site visits.
  • Opportunities each year for your parents/guardians to come into school to discuss your progress.

In return, all Sixth Form students agree to:

  • Attend all registered sessions punctually, including tutor time, fortnightly year group tutorials, supervised independent study, independent study, career planning sessions, rec, AIMS meetings.
  • Embody the ACHIEVE values of Furze Platt Senior School by:
    • Accepting responsibility for your own learning in the context of ambitious personal targets.
    • Collaborate with your subject teachers and tutor, to engage in offered intervention and support provided to ensure that good progress is made.
    • Being an outstanding role model for students around the School ensuring a smart standard of dress and conducting yourself in a courteous manner.
    • Effectively manage relationships in a mature, respectful and intelligent manner.
    • Demonstrate a proactive approach to life in the Sixth Form and embrace the opportunities presented including mentoring, careers research and extra-curricular activities.
    • To be open to new and varied methods of study and revision in pursuit of individual aspirations and to accept feedback openly and constructively.
  • Consistently maintain an acceptable approach to learning grade of Good or Outstanding for all your subjects.
  • Take responsibility to complete ALL assessed work and submit by set deadlines.
  • Maintain an attendance rate of at least 96%.
  • To take individual and collective responsibility for maintaining the condition of the Sixth Form block, respecting it as a place of work and study.
  • Take personal responsibility to check school emails on a daily basis.
  • Attend all compulsory visits and events scheduled in the Sixth Form.

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Sixth Form Bursary

Our Sixth Form Bursary Guidance Notes can be accessed here:

Our Sixth Form Bursary Application Form can be accessed here: 

Sixth Form IT Information and Resources

Computer Login

Login in to a desktop or laptop with primary username and password.

You have 2 usernames!

  • Primary username allows access to all school PCs and laptops. (e.g. smithj)
  • FP Online username (, e.g. allows access to Google documents and Gmail hosted by FP Online –
    This is also your email address

Your initial password will be the same for all logins.

Online Resources

Most school resources can be accessed via the 'Resources' tab on the school website http://www.furzeplatt.comOpen Internet Explorer or Google Chrome. The home page should be, if not, type it in.



You have a printing and photocopying allowance of £10. Use it wisely. You can use any of the Multi- Function Printers (MFPs) to make photocopies. Use your primary username and password on the touch screen on the MFP. 

How to print

How to use the copier functions?

Students will need to register their ID badge with the printer in order to print and copy.  Instructions for how to do this are printed and on the wall above the printer.

Laptop/Device Storage

There is a storage and charging facility for students' own laptops, tablets and devices in the Sixth Form lobby.  Students are entitled to use this facility to store their own devices during the day.  


IT Support

You can email if you have any technical problems with school systems or software. 

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Sixth Form Common Room

Our Sixth Form common room provides comfortable accommodation for relaxation and discussion. It is not suitable for serious study. The general condition and tidiness of the common room is the collective responsibility of all Sixth Form students.

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Learning Resources Centre (Library) and Study Rooms 

Sixth Form students are the primary users of the library, it is important to maintain high standards of private study by adhering to the following essentials: silence, no eating or drinking.  Headphones are permitted at a reasonable volume level. Students should remain in the library for the whole period to avoid disturbing others through moving around.

Sixth Form students may also study in the English block using the breakout spaces in the atrium, or in the study rooms in the Sixth Form block. The same guidelines apply to the study rooms and English block as they do for the library.

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Monitoring Progress

Students are regularly assessed with monitoring reports being published several times per year. Effort grades (known as A2L grades) for students range from 1 (Very Good) to 4 (Unacceptable). Attainment and effort grades are recorded on grade sheets which are available to parents and students via their Go 4 School login. 
Year 12 students will have Pre Public Exams (PPE) in June, ad Year 13 students will have PPEs in the early part of the Spring Term. 

Useful Links:

 Support System 

Form Tutors liaise with subject teachers to review student progress regularly and maintain an ongoing dialogue with students in their tutor group. Where there is a need for further support, meetings are held between the Form Tutor, the Head of Sixth Form and the student.

The Sixth Form also has access to the services of an Academic Mentor, Ms Bouzid and students are referred here if specific intervention would benefit them.

If necessary, a progress meeting with parents will be called to support the progress of the student. In extreme cases, where no progress has been made over an extended period of time, a recommendation to seek opportunities elsewhere might be made.

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Sixth Form Student Leadership

Sixth Form Council

This body meets regularly to organise activities such as social functions, fundraising activities, community service, liaising with staff and wider school improvement from a student perspective.

The Sixth Form council comprises of: 

  • Head Boy and Head Girl and Deputy Head Boy and Deputy Head Girl
  • House Captains (usually two student House Captains for each of the eight Houses)

Senior Students

These leaders of the senior school have shown outstanding personal and social qualities, with a strong capacity for leadership. Among their responsibilities are the organisation of the student leaders, representing the school at major public functions such as Open Day and Celebration Evening, and the general oversight of Sixth Form life. 
They are appointed to attend the Pupils and Parents Governors Committee meetings. Although they have no voting rights, the representatives will have ample opportunity to express their view on Sixth Form and general school matters. 

House Captains 

House Captains are positions of great responsibility throughout the school, and it is expected that House Captains will act with suitable maturity. House Captains are directly responsible to their Head of House. House Captains will be required to arrange a regular meeting with their Head of House to discuss roles and responsibilities. The large bulk of the work of House Captains will be to organise house challenges as per the published calendar. 

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Sixth Form Study Advice

Advice on the list of topics below and much more can be found under our 'Useful Documents' section here on FP Online:

Please note the information in the bullet points above is only available to our students and will require login details.

Pixl 6 Revision Resources

Fitness Activity Videos 

Parent Booklet - Top 10 tips to support your child
through their exams

Student Booklet (requires student login to access)

Student Daily Planner (requires student login to access)

Athlete Motivational Videos 

Video 1 - Louis Rolfe: Paralympic cyclist – Bronze and Gold in 2016 Paralympics

Video 2 - Ellie Koyander: Mogul Skier – Winter Olympian 2010, 2nd in Europe 2015, European Cup Winner in 2016 and 7th Junior World Championships.

Video 3 - Peter Waterfield: Olympic diver. 4 time Olympian and Olympic Silver 2004. Commonwealth Gold in 2002 and Silver in 2006. World Bronze in 2005 and 2012 European Gold Medallist.

Video 4 - Mike Mullen: BMX Vertical Halfpipe Champion, Pro BMX Halfpipe Champion in 2014 and 2016 and Former World Masterclass Champion.

Video 5 - Nathan Stephens: Athletics and sledge hockey. Finished 4th in the F57 Javelin at the IPC Athletics World Championships in New Zealand in 2011. He held the world record for F57 Javelin between 2011 and 2012.

Video 6 - Rachel Morris: Paralympic Rowing and Hand Cycling. 2007 Paralympic Gold for Hand Cycling. 2012 Paralympic Bronze for Hand Cycling. 2015 World Cup World Record 1km. 2016 Paralympic Gold for Rowing.

Video 7 - Jordanne Whiley: 2x Paralympic Tennis Bronze Medallist, 8x Doubles Grand Slam Champion, US Open Singles Champion in 2015 and GB Number 1.

Video 8 - Rob Richardson: Sitting Volleyball and Skeleton. 6 time winner of National Championship in Sitting Volleyball. Currently Captain of the GB Sitting Volleyball team. Aspiring athlete for Winter 2022 Paralympics in Skeleton.

Video 9 - Alex Danson: Female Hockey player for England and Great Britain – won Bronze in London 2012 and Gold in Rio 2016.

Video 10 - Jon Schofield: Sprint Canoe. 200m Double kayak Bronze in 2012 and Silver medal in 2016.

Video 11 - Sophie Christiansen: Para-Equestrian Dressage athlete. Four successive Paralympic games and eight-time Paralympic Champion. Fifth in BBC’s Sport Personality of the Year 2016. 1st class Masters degree in Mathematics from Royal Holloway University.

Video 12 - Clare Griffiths: Wheelchair basketball player. PB 4th place in Rio Paralympics.

Video 13 - Maggie Alphonsi: Rugby player for England’s Women Squad. 6 times 6 Nation Grand Slam winner and World Cup winner 2014.  Currently sports commentator.

Video 14 - Chris Gregory: GB Beach Volleyball player. Top 10 and 20 finishes at European and world Championships respectively. Competed at the first games in Baku 2015. Currently qualifying with his partner for Commonwealth Games 2018.

Video 15 - Craig Heap: Gymnast – 14 times British Champion. Competed in five European Championships, five world Championships. Commonwealth Games Gold Medallist in 1998 and 2002. Only male gymnast to represent GB at the 2000 Olympics and became an all around finalist with his PB score. Currently commentates for the BBC.

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