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PTFA Annual General Meeting (AGM): rescheduled date Tuesday 4th February, 7pm for 7.30pm start, in School.

Dear Parents and Carers,

Happy New Year from the PTFA!

This is a reminder of the AGM of the Furze Platt Senior School Parent, Teacher & Friends Association to be held on the revised date of Tuesday 14th February, 7pm for 7.30pm start, in School.  

We will appreciate your attendance very much because to meet the Quorum and for votes to be carried, we require a minimum of 6 non-committee individuals to attend.  

The PTFA plays an important role in the school community and all parents/carers, friends, and staff, as members of the PTFA, are invited to support the AGM. This is your chance to see and hear how the funds you have helped raise have been spent for the benefit of your children at school. 

The AGM is also an opportunity for you to elect the PTFA Committee, who will represent the Association throughout the forthcoming year, September 2025 to August 2026.  

If you are interested in the role of Chair or Secretary, please complete the Nomination Form here and return it to ASAP. Some of the current committee will be standing down soon as their children are coming to the end of their time at Furze Platt and we would like to ensure an efficient handover of the roles.

The Committee welcomes new ideas and suggestions to raise funds for our children, so please get in touch by email or through Facebook as soon as possible.  



At the meeting we will also be holding the draw of the 200 Club - sign up here Furze Platt Senior School PTFA 200 Club - Monthly Donation | Furze Platt Senior School PTFA (Powered by Donorbox) for just £5 a month and the chance to win £200 while supporting your children's PTFA .   Subscriptions made by Saturday 1st February will go into this draw!

We look forward to seeing you..