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Exam Results Days Information for Year 11 and Year 13


These will take place on the following days/times:


YEAR 13 - Thursday 15th August 2024

(GCE/Cambridge Technicals/BTEC Nationals/Applied)

School will be open for students to collect their results from 8am in the Theatre.

From 11am-12:30pm results may be collected from the Exams Office.


YEAR 11 - Thursday 22nd August 2024

 (GCSE/Cambridge Nationals/BTEC Tech Award/NCFE VCert)

School will be open for students to collect their results from 8am in the Theatre.

From 11am-12:30pm results may be collected from the Exams Office.

Students wishing to enter our Sixth Form should also read the information here.


What are students collecting?


On results days students will be given a results statement showing their provisional summer exam grades and, where available, marks. These are not certificates.

If students cannot collect results in person, they should use the form below:

Results collection form



Certificates are proof of qualifications and will be available to collect from school from Monday 25th November 2024.

These must be collected from school within 1 year of issue.

If students cannot collect certificates in person, please use the form below:

Certificate collection form


What to do if students are not happy with their results

Post Results Services (ROR) and Access to Scripts (ATS)

If after receiving the results students would like to discuss their options for reviews of marking or access to exam scripts, they should read the information (via the QR code below) and speak to their subject teacher or contact the Exams Office for further information.

This Infographic will explain their options JCQ-Post-Results-Services-2024 


  Access To Scripts                                                 


Review of Results



School Email Accounts

These will remain open until the end of the Autumn Term (Christmas) to allow the post results queries to take place. All requests for post results services must be made from the Student's Furze Platt Senior School email. 


We wish all students the very best of luck for your upcoming results and onward journeys!

If you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact the Exams Office by email