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Tutor Time & Tutor Group List

The Deputy Headteacher - Behaviour & Attitudes coordinates the tutor time programme.

Tutor Group List 

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Each week there are four pre-determined tutor time activities:

Silent Reading and Mentoring 

We encourage all students to develop their literacy skills and one morning tutor period each week is devoted to silent reading. Mentoring also takes place during this time.

House Challenge 

These ACHIEVE activities are designed to promote healthy competition between the Houses whilst developing team work and leadership skills. Some of the activities are simply fun whilst others explore important themes or reinforce the school ethos. Past challenges include:- Sudoku, Last Choir Standing, Turning Maths Challenge, House T-Shirt Competition, Spelling Bee, Eco Challenge. There is also a termly sporting challenge e.g. Football, Benchball and Sports Day.

Group Themed Discussion and Activities 

The tutor groups lend themselves to activities where social and emotional themes can be explored. Students often take a lead in these and are given the opportunity to articulate their views. Often current affairs at a local, national and international level are the focus of activities, helping students broaden their horizons. Many activities follow on from material discussed during assemblies. Social, moral, spiritual and cultural aspects of education are central to many of the activities covered.


These are run alternately by either the Head of Progress, Head of House or a member of the Senior Leadership Team. A broad range of themes is covered during the year which supports our ethos. Our assemblies aim to engage students on an intellectual, moral, emotional and spiritual level. They also help to celebrate the sense of community and belonging, which we think are important strengths of our school.