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Welcome to furze platt senior school              

Furze Platt Senior School is a highly aspirational, high achieving and fully inclusive school providing an outstanding education that enables all our students to achieve excellent outcomes. Our school is a successful mixed comprehensive school serving the children of Maidenhead. We set the highest aspirations for students and staff and want students to work hard in and out of school, to set themselves demanding goals, and to achieve highly.

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Our Student Leadership Team

  • Head Student

    Hello! – my name is Jayden, and I am one of our student leaders. I currently study English Literature, History and Politics A-Levels. I aspire to study History and Politics at University and one day hope to be involved in the world of politics. I am captain of the 1st team (Football) and scored a goal in our County Cup winning final in 2023. Furze Platt is an amazing place which has given me so many opportunities, so now it is time for me to give back to all the amazing people who have helped me along the way. Going into my seventh year at Furze Platt, I am sure there will be challenges for myself and my peers but I am certain together as a school and a community we can all achieve our goals. I am excited to take on this role as well as being involved in our support system alongside an amazing team of student leaders!

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Sixth Form

Sixth Form

Furze Platt Senior School’s Sixth Form is one of the most pre-eminent in the Windsor and Maidenhead area. As a result of their focus, passion and commitment, combined with excellent teaching and positive learning culture, our young women and men emerge highly qualified and well-rounded, ready to thrive at university or to excel in their chosen career.

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  • "All you have to do to have a great time in Year 7 is to be yourself!"Advice for new students from current Year 7 and 8 students

Get In Touch

Furze Platt Road, Maidenhead SL6 7NQ

01628 625308